Colin Stern


Blog 13
Triskaidekaphobia is not something I suffer from. The number thirteen to me is just a number. But many people do try to avoid it and think it brings bad luck. In Japan the number four is thought to bring bad luck, as it sounds like death and the number nine, because it sounds like torture or agony. Opening an umbrella inside a house, breaking a mirror or putting your shoes on the table are though by many to be unlucky.
All these superstitions are, of course nonsense., but their existence adds colour to our lives. As a child, I was careful not to step on the pavement lines, like many other children. Not that I really thought anything bad would happen if I did. It was, simply, fun to do so.
Taken to extremes, people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) have compulsive behaviours that they they feel MUST adhere to. Not to do so makes them unwell. I’m sure someone may have said to you “So-and-so is a bit OCD”, because they have a tendency always to act in a particular way. However, all of us know that none of these behaviours would actually lead to an adverse outcome.
Reacting to this, I wrote this fanciful poem:
How to be Lucky

Should you meet two elves together
Cross your fingers and your toes.
They might flick you with a feather
And what happens? No one knows.

If you see three witches talking
Have a care to look away.
If they have a black grimalkin
“Rumpelstiltskin” you must say.

If a goblin’s in your garden
With his feet upon his head.
Take good care to ask his pardon
Or he’ll curse your health instead.

Should the dwarves dig up your taters
You must let them have their fill.
They’re our major gold creators,
You might win yourself goodwill.

When the fairies hold a party,
Pick your flowers for their hair,
Give them freely, for Astarte
Will ensure a child you’ll bear.

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