Colin Stern

Child Abuse

Blog 21

Child abuse is appalling and child sexual abuse horrendous. Profound emotions are aroused amongst members of the public when these often-hidden crimes are exposed. Sometimes these emotions have led to episodes of civil unrest.

In my career as a paediatrician, I saw many cases of child abuse, some of them sexual abuse. I appeared in court not infrequently, to give evidence of injury. I have spoken with victims and their abusers, who are, in the majority, family members and, commonly, siblings.

There is almost nothing that could be done to a child that I have not seen.

Successive local authorities and governments have commissioned investigations into the shortcoming of their child protection and safeguarding arrangements and over four hundred recommendations have been put forward. Very few of them have been implemented.

Recently, demands for yet another inquiry have been made, some of these from people with enormous influence, but very little knowledge or understanding of the problems.


What is needed is for the recommendations of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, and those of earlier investigations, to be implemented.

This must not become a bandwagon for political ambition. No more procrastination.





A child that cowers underneath his bed.

A woman walks with sadness her face.

A man spends lonely nights with tears he shed.

A girl who feels she’s left the human race.


These people suffer while we fail to act.

We could do so much more to put things right.

The courage that communities have lacked

They have to grasp, to end their endless night.


There are some secrets one should not disclose,

Some awful acts might never see the light.

Some things that happen better no-one knows.

Events that cause their victims years of blight.


But, if we hide the deeds, what happens then?

Should not the perpetrators be found out?

We need to beard the beast within his den,

To be assured he cannot justice flout.


And what of justice? Is it really blind?

Where victims have to stand and speak their piece?

This harms their spirit, injures heart and mind.

A hurtful process that the law should cease.


The first imperative must be “Protect!”

They must feel safe and able to describe

In confidence, so they may speak unchecked

And thus expose this evil human tribe.


While politicians dither, hopes are lost:

Both boy and girl, fiancée, husband, wife,

All are frustrated. See the human cost

And be decisive. Help them back to life.




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