Blog 20 Christmas is around the corner. Largely a Festival of Indulgence today, its religious importance has been confined to the singing of carols at school carol services. I have three grandchildren at The King’s School, Canterbury and attended their impressive version
Blog 18 It is sad to note how the confidence of the public in the practice of medicine in Britain has declined over the last year or two. Several factors seem to be responsible, including stories about the pressure the Health
A Children’s Charivari
I have begun to put together an anthology of poems for children. I’m willing to bet that most of you can still recite several that you learned in your childhood. Poetry is very important for the development of language, especially
Thoughts On A Prayer Before Birth
While looking at some of my favourite poems the other day, I came across Prayer Before Birth, written by Louis MacNeice during the darkest days of the Second World War.It’s an eloquent plea for a life free from all the
A Spot Of Bizarre Bird Spotting
The poems that I write fall into many different styles and genres. I prefer to write verses that rhyme and scan, but also write free-form poems occasionally. It rather depends upon the subject.It seems extraordinary to me that 80% of
The Beginnings Of A Fairytale Adventure
About a quarter of the 1,300 poems that I have written over the last four years are for children. They fall into various groups: poems about animals, poems about children, poems that are variants of famous children’s rhymes, poems featuring
Saucy Seaside Humour Found Its Home In Sailor-y-Pent
After my wife died, I used to visit my children and their families often. This was during lockdown, and I discovered that, provided there was at least 10 days between visits, I was allowed to have two "bubbles”.Staying with my
Writing Listening To Mother Came From My Medical Career
I spent 40 years working with children, most of them as a consultant paediatrician.Children adapt to illness far more quickly than adults and frequently have a better sense of what’s appropriate for them than their parents. However, listening to their
What Led Me To Become An Author
What turned me to writing?I’ve always loved reading. As a child, I devoured books and as an adult, I would take six books from the local library each week. I will read anything, but what puts me off is when