The blog of Colin Stern
Colin Stern's Latest Posts
Stay informed about Colin Stern's latest books and other writing projects as well his thoughts on literature and his inspirations.
Child Abuse
Blog 21Child abuse is appalling and child sexual abuse horrendous. Profound emotions are aroused amongst members of the public when these often-hidden crimes are exposed. Sometimes these emotions have led to episodes of civil unrest.In my career as a paediatrician,
Blog 20 Christmas is around the corner. Largely a Festival of Indulgence today, its religious importance has been confined to the singing of carols at school carol services. I have three grandchildren at The King’s School, Canterbury and attended their impressive version
Blog 19 An American scientist recently claimed that nothing in our world exists, that we are intangible creations in a vast simulacrum. Perhaps we live in one universe amongst many, the multiverse, a concept that embraces the potential implications of quantum
Blog 18 It is sad to note how the confidence of the public in the practice of medicine in Britain has declined over the last year or two. Several factors seem to be responsible, including stories about the pressure the Health